Aargghhh!!damn piss with my stupid moronic sis man ask me ownself consider wan full or part time in Mdis, when i told her my choice!kns~she say cannot wait till sat then decide if not i'll regret?please larx you now make me waste bus fare and sleeping time is making me REGRETTING LIKE FK man!!;( since mon till today i've gone to sch to do what?NTH!!!i have total no interest nor energy to do a shit bout it. Tml ut i also don't bother anymore my grades for this sem also sucks big time so what??i just don't like the system here think this poly will help me find job go hell larx!!*swearing*
So damn ass tired went PIG's house to put laptop then head home~was already like 3/4 dead by then. Took 240 back and forth walked a little distance home then Verry come welcome me home as usual wagging his small hotdog-like tail*hahax*showing me his stupid cute face x).
I lazy to type on going off to watch my show and nap a little then off to my bed!!byex~

Fine!!my sis called and told me why she's still considering reason being sg poly dip go to degree then find job more prospect, while private cert to degree not much prospect. She thinks that private certs not recognized anymore especially Mdis=( but what to do?!i won't excell in rp either alritex sat we'll decide!!still...i'm standing firm on full-time i'm tired shit now by just going rp daily no need say addition of Mdis man~
Sickening life i'm leading...