Alone, watching the sunset.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sat i woke up at 11plus morning to go eat dum sum with mum, aunts, uncles and granny=) wasn't feeling well since thurs or fri??so i only ate century egg porridge and a few steam prawn thingy called ha gao?and zhu chang fen no pork okay!!!though it's called zhu=.= anyway granny was also unwell so she didn't ate much only ate a little when she came over my house=(get well soon ah ma=D i said i was supposedly to go buy my wallet but the uncle no longer sell braun buffel=(( so damn disappointed saw one mont blanc wallet normal looking but cost 300++ mum intended to buy for me if i like but i see price also think not worth=\
So as for the night i went out to town with cer(above)...was supposed to buy my cny clothes but end up cer bought more things than me man. I walked around didn't managed to feel like buying any clothes so went to Takashimaya(taka) to see if SG got my braun buffel wallet...and HAHAx!!i'm so lucky!!!they have and it's new arrival yay~*heex* initially i though it would cost maybe more than 200??but it was 109 then i'm like WOW~round my budget so i bought it!!=DD then off to cine to check out the Keds shoes...but only left a few designs??then i ate Pasta Mania for dinner ehh...i had ham & sausage baked rice didn't finished it as usual= yeah then off we went to arcade while waiting to have seats in Modestro bistro to chill there and chit chat with you mian(below) and you ni=)ohh...and i designed my mocha(below)As cer was eating the time is already 11plus where mrt is closed already =O i can't go home~so cer and i went to Kbox till 6am with her frenx we sang many songs and finally i ate ICE CREAM!!!hehex~i didn't drink any alcohol as i'm not supposed to until cny self-control!!;)'s Sun already and i trained back home. Reached home at 7am plus then off to work for mum...zai ritex?no need slp man worked till 12pm noon had gastric again reached home too tired just BOOM!!lay dead on my sofa~ mum came home i was still slping until my phone rang at 7pm plus then i woke up unwillingly. It was my sis she have two free movie tickets to give me yapps=)

Been having mild fever on and off these few days...and i've been coughing like a crazy cow too damn it. Watched take the lead to kill time okay tired now yawns...byex!!
So near yet so far...

A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine