Waaaa...sianx today woke up at 10.30am to go office work for godfather to do tax invoice like omg lorx soo damn HARD i'm like HUH!!!HOW TO DO siax~but anyhow anyhow do then tadaa!!!he accepted it*heex*=D

This is the front view hehs next is the back view well i can say i DEFINITELY don't have a sexy back*bahahax!!!* XD...
Okay okay enough of the earlier part of the day now for the later part*yawns*...i took train to sis house at Redhill without my dad as i don't want to i'm having cold war with my parents though=D yapps reached there charged my old cam watched tv and MY WALLET WAS BEING SCRATCHED BY THE WIRE!!!=((((((BOOHOOHOOHOO~so blah blah dragged till 7 off we go to Hilton hotel yo~we're in the car vroom vroom*hahax*
Had a 5-10mins car ride and here we are at Hilton hotel=)and to the highest level 24th Panorama Room*woo~*hahahax...reached there saw my little CUTIES!!!happy enjoying the pictures~super long post man!!!.jpg)
The End