YAY!!!!I PASSED MY BTT*LOL*i thought i would fail cause i got like a total of 6 questions in doubt yapps...but still it showed me a PASS!!!
I'm contented with the way we are now.
YAY!!!!I PASSED MY BTT*LOL*i thought i would fail cause i got like a total of 6 questions in doubt yapps...but still it showed me a PASS!!!
Been busy this few days as i have to submit my project scope for my Professional Profiling, study for my upcoming UTs as i don't understand many things still and my BTT which is on Tues!!!i hope i can really pass my DNA module so that i don't have to retake it and i can take up photography next sem which i think would be fun=D.
Today i had anatomy in sch as said before and we cut banana and lime*lol* after sch ended, i went home to put my bag and changed to go out with jj and cer for a drink. I brought my cam to sch end up let the PIG use and with loads of rubbish photos*haha* practically 2/3 of it are netball=.=
A case of disembodied body.
The drinks me and jj had while on our way home from clark quay.
My back is acting like a byatch keeps giving me aches=((i'm tired will only update once a wk byeee...
Yay!!!i'm 18 lol nth much just that now i can go drink openly and club openly with frens=D well...i didn't really celebrate my birthday as i just want a quiet time and since no one's free then stayed home and went off to work instead.
OHHHH MYYYY GGGOOOOODDDD!!!!~sch is soooooo HARD to understand haha...cause i can't remember what i've learnt in the past and i don't understand what i'm reading too*LOL* I'm so damn tired everyday lack of sleep tml have to work after sch=\
Darn it...even the last two days of my hols before sch starts on mon also cannot rest must work=.= so tired, boring man...today worked at restaurant tml morning clinic nite restaurant again=(( then next morning of Sun...SCHOOL AR!!!!SHIT~what a dread. Go to the new class then intro ourselves again HI...I'M JANICE=.=WTF?!?!
Okay...woke up at 11plus to get ready to meet Fahr to buy my spectacle at queenstown shopping centre=) we took bus 195 and alighted at Ikea. We went straight to the spectacle shop called Tomorrow's Optic and i tried on many designs too bad the Lacoste ones not suitable for me so end up buying Levi's one don't have a pic of it though. I'll only be able to collect it on sat HOPEFULLY lar=D