The EMPTY home club=.=Jj's coke+42 below vodka(honey flavour)

Sprite + 42below vodka(honey flavour sucks)

The chops cute man~

OMG~masked man!!!

The unknown masked man!!;|
Okay tired and lazy to eleaborate just finished playing bball with Joel, JJ and HY.
Yay!!today class ended superb early man=D only got like three teams and faci is having sore throat, so she's VOICELESS!! Ohh...and for once Adele and Kylie didn't come together the class was soooo damn silent for ONCE! Okay...i'm tiredd so i'll try update some pictures.

The condo we went to, nice/gorgeous?

LOOK!!Saretta looks just like my monster shirt=)


Rachael, Mouise(haha), Adele

Mouise no lar her name is Louise*hehe*

Ben the one in green, is pissed that adele keeps coming into the pictures*LOL*

Yazid and you know already hor

Purple is Hema who always tie hair for these two should seriously charge them.

The raw fish balls eating dare=\

The honey-ed fish balls, okay practically EVERYTHING is honey-ed=.= except otahs.

This guy is Leo my gay sis;D don't he look like one?*haha*


Alicia, Michelle(jing jiat guai lan & Hanny's gf) and Saretta

Fg, Cheng Tong and Hanny(Zhi Han)
The couple of E56B =] Cheng Tong & Zhao Yan

Bimbotic pose...nice one Kylie damn BIMBOTIC!! you've got potential.

Alrite let's end with the big group pic x)
Your holding me back without even trying to.
The End
OKAYYY...just a brief update about the past few missing days that i didn't blog(boring and lazy to do it). So, as per normal i go to school and after school i go work if not the meet Ho Yue*haha* he's pathetic that's all i can say. Didn't really study for UTs anymore no motivations or strength to just pure plain laziness zoom into me!!=D
Sat, went over to Kylie's friend(Patrina...think i spelt wrong=\)'s house which is a condo that isn't really like those we see got those TALL TALL long building exactly like HDB only more high-class. That condo is short short one...that looks more like hmmm...i can't think of what to fill in=.= we, as in E56B(half) ppl had a bbq there well the place there is nice but i think kinda sad to stay there open window all you see is NEIGHBOURS no privacy i tell you*HAHAHA*. It was kinda unlucky as it's a raining day that's why i think God let the previous person who booked the pit to be unsuccessful huh? well...nvm there were fun and erm...awkwardness. We bbq-ed till 11pm then went off home everyone go separated ways then it was HOME time~
Today...woke up went to work=(( got this girl i think she's mentally disabled?? she today disturbed plus irritate gie and me more than usual. She's kinda lucky i don't anyhow go BOOM!! explode and get angry with her. So yeah ended work, went to meet HY and JJ my two 'sis' =) then walked around JP made HY buy a Goldlion top for his work. Loitered around then off to my house to chill and bout 5plus off to play bball. I only throw a few shots where mostly doesn't even touch the freaking rim. Well...old, lousy and right arm got something wrong already no choice.
Let these memories be forever within me. is very boring and sort of busy with school and being lazy all the time. I've been going to school as usual and being late as always...*haha* okay~ i've been going to school alone now well...we didn't quarrel just that i feel it's better?? i don't know why but i think it make no difference anyway even if we meet?? We don't talk much on the way to school we just listen to our own songs, sometimes or should i say rarely then we will joke around.
Okay...i can't really think much about the past few weeks or months. All i can remember is on a certain day i met up with byatch Cer to go shop but well as usual*haha* we end up only eating cause SHE'S LATE AGAIN!!!;(
So, last fri i skipped class and went out with Kylie(mandy), Adele(lamb), Rachael(rach), Saretta. We were supposed to meet at 2pm but well all late erm...should i say the first 2 ladies and me are the late ones=\ we went to Hilton hotel for what?*hehe* not for anything bad but just the CHEESECAKES~ it's not bad we had many flavours blueberry, walnut, american and oreo. Then we went to Starbucks to chill while eating cakes yes...the ladies above ate it like it's heavenly food. we have UT in the later part of day so we all chiong to call cab but end up taking 2 cabs and rushed to class laughing all the way=)
Sat i went to Sentosa with my classmates well not all but at least got 10 people. Had loads of fun and tanned a little too, had a little Chivas with awful mango juice which have end result of YUCKS!! okay..tiredd byeee pictures some other day.=D
When you look me in the eyes...