Yay!!today class ended superb early man=D only got like three teams and faci is having sore throat, so she's VOICELESS!! Ohh...and for once Adele and Kylie didn't come together the class was soooo damn silent for ONCE! Okay...i'm tiredd so i'll try update some pictures.
The condo we went to, nice/gorgeous?
LOOK!!Saretta looks just like my monster shirt=)
Rachael, Mouise(haha), Adele
Mouise no lar her name is Louise*hehe*
Ben the one in green, is pissed that adele keeps coming into the pictures*LOL*
Yazid and you know already hor
Purple is Hema who always tie hair for these two ladies...you should seriously charge them.
The raw fish balls eating dare=\
The honey-ed fish balls, okay practically EVERYTHING is honey-ed=.= except otahs.
This guy is Leo my gay sis;D don't he look like one?*haha*
Alicia, Michelle(jing jiat guai lan & Hanny's gf) and Saretta
Fg, Cheng Tong and Hanny(Zhi Han)
The couple of E56B =] Cheng Tong & Zhao Yan
Bimbotic pose...nice one Kylie damn BIMBOTIC!! you've got potential.
Alrite let's end with the big group pic x)
Your holding me back without even trying to.
The End