Thursday, August 28, 2008 today woke up at 10plus in the morning to get ready and out to meet Godma at IMM. It's the first time of all the meetings we had I WAS EARLIER THAN HER!! we went to secret recipe to eat and i had Grilled Chicken Set,'s not bad but my stomach turn off cause i long time no eat so early already then suddenly eat in the morning then uneasy. So after that she gave me money as usual to spend=D, then off to Joel's house to pick up my wallet that i forgot and off home.
Slacked at home...till 6plus off to work as usual boring nothing much. Then Gie told me something very funny...if you want to know tell me!!xD J!!i think you would like to know one confirm damn funny*hahaa*
Okay...tml is my pri sch mates bbq held by Mr Chow and yes...i'm not going cause i got my own bbq plus steamboat with poly mates!! Besides...i have no mood to go out too hehs~time to do my PP again hope tml have FUN!!!=D
It's never what you expected it to be.
A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 again fine! have to update so that someone can read something=.= been doing my pp obediently yet lazily in the wee hours usually and good enough it's working on me by doing my report at 2plus in the morning. This is the only time where there are no distractions for me and i'm more focus too =D.
So...yesterday morning which was Tues's morning i watched a very very boring soccer match after so long you know.'s my erm...favourite i guess??Man United more Beckham bit no point watching. Oh well...still got Ronaldo=) too bad yesterday he did not play as he's injured and Ryan Giggs too...don't know he die go where=.= yeah so the game started at 3am was watching it while chatting on msn with monster*haha* stupid Hanny got tv to see, we only got internet ones;| the rookies played like shit as in seriously shit!! One big problem is the opposition side no people there so idiots kicked the ball there but wow!!no one there to receieve!=.= Tell me how to score!!i watch also piss man...then all get ball pass to Lorney(Rooney) then he like one man show bo bian must kick to score. Poor man no one to help...Alex siao already.
Then...when we're all so bored of the game and the ball is reaching opposition side smart man the internet tv black screen!! I'm like WA LAO!!!climax then like that so faster on my tv watch the pathetic mini screen and saw the GOAL!!!yeah...bit turned off. Oh money people are like that end up game ended at 5am and the score freaking 1-0 yes!!Man U 1 and Portsmouth one big egg~.~ total boredom game.
Alright i shall go back to PP-ing yawns...yay!!!fri steamboat and bbq!!WWWHHHEEE~ long enough already not?=D
A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Okay i'm here to update a bit since SOMEONE complaint that i didn't blog=.= so...recently i no mood to go out already. Don't ask me why no mood, i just don't have mood so that's it. So, practically i stay home whole day then go off for work and in the wee hours i do my PP. After some pushing i finally managed to do half of it man!! Okay nothing to write liao lar can now? i've updated =D MONSTER!!
So, the pictures will be on last two Sunday ago where we celebrated Algie and Alfie's birthday and they're my cousines=) babies are there too how adorable!!

This is Caley =D

This is his elder bro Calap xD

Due to boredom this is what came out of them. Right Algie-> Benita -> Hu Yue

The birthday girl(Algie) and man(Alfie).
A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The guys though er...some missing i think
Most of the girls
Ohhh~the 'sexy' leo
They trying hard not to laugh.
Woah~muscular prinkle manThe pizza hunger!!

Never will be the last outing=)

The sweet sweet 'couple'=D

Okay someone is trying to overthrow me when she can't*haha*

The unsuccessful dim sum day where only me, ky, adele and saretta go only.

Hohoho...people reading mag lar*LOL*

Ky trying to act like ah lian

This is around 5-6plus

This is during 7plus fast rite?
A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Monday, August 18, 2008
Prata day.
A deal, ky, me and Hema
My artistic shot.
Carl's Junior*yums*
Strawberry magarita
Sprite with ahh...Sky vodka

The couple J and Wendi.


Buai ya for rDNA.

Fg...why you 'touch my(your) body'<-mariah carey song*lol*
Continue next post=)
A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Monday, August 11, 2008
Isn't it weird how someone can fall so stupidly for someone knowing that it's SO not worth it, yet still wait like an idiot? Sometimes, people thinks being faithful is a good thing, well...for me i think that being too faithful isn't a good thing at all. *haha*
Some people will know the reason why i said this=.= Maybe it's just my curiosity and yearn for companion that lead to most of my own unhappiness i guess...
But what can i do when the other party leads me on too, giving me the wrong intentions? I just merely follow what my heart wants.
Yes, time will heal all wounds still wounds can be reopened and hurts even more.
I'm not someone who will persist on unless rejected.
Guess things turn out this way is no longer reversible, the hurt is done, the friendship is gone. Maybe it's just my stupidity...
cause you were never my cup of tea anyway.
Be glad that i am still such good friends with you despite all the past we had.
Don't expect so much from me, your just a friend now nothing more.
I have my own problems too, maybe it's time for you to grow
and stop relying so much on others for help.
You can do it if you're persistent, no point complaining.
I'll be there for you but not all the time, there are still others
who too needs my care and help.
Time is ticking away from me, i need more rest.
There are too many things i didn't get to do.
Work tied me down, school's never good besides the companies.
I'm wasting my life on nothing but having little fun through drinking.
I want my rest...tired
A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Friday, August 8, 2008
WENDY ASK ME PUT ONE!!!The craziest thing I have done for love is (WASTE MY MONEY)
Catch Wall-E in cinemas from 28 August 2008 (ORIGINATOR BLOG:
A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Monday, August 4, 2008
WOOO!!!no more UTs anymore but sad thing is changing class soon damn it i don't want lar!!!;| tml is anatomy soooo...we're skipping class to go have prata in the morning know at where?UPPER THOMSON ROAD YESSS...craziness~ Mouise very silly man she ate her Ruffles's cedar chips then i just jokingly say leave some for me since it's my favourite, guess what she really did and she kept it in the fridge like i said*LOL*. Then she said she's hungry so i said just eat the whole pack don't need keep for me...then she said too late already in the fridge WTH can!! Her actions so damn fast~
Last sat went out at 5plus to meet Wendi(jj's gf), jj, hy, joel and terence. Went to Swensen's to have dinner as it's me and jj's turn to treat hy=.= So...after eating all went separate ways left the first three and me. Then we don't know what to do in town so we went to Holland V to drink and chill~ We went to Cold Rock to eat ice cream it's niceee and i saw BEN and my classmate BEN. Oh...jj bought roses half dead ones for fun so we gave one stalk to Ben and he put it outside that attracted many customers xD After which we went to Indo Chine to drink cause all don't want baleh kampong so yeah played heart attack(FUN sia) the drinks only 2 glasses lor cause they closing...We walked to this bus stop when the bus came three caucasians used BB guns to shoot us but sadly none hit us BOO!!!;] We bus-ed to Clark Quay it was then the excitement of the nite started...Wendi's hp dropped in the bus so we all panicked but calmly settled the prob for more details ask me.
We all slacked at the Central outside till 6plus for train to start and i reached home at 7plus and left home after changing of clothes to where? to my sis's house of course why?? cause we're heading to the ZOO!!!*hehe* free one why don't go so yeah walked round snip snapped and to Tiong Bahru and mrt-ed home. Pics next time too tired...tml cannot late ky will KILL ME!!!byeee~
Will you be my corona and lime=)
A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine