Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sometimes when one's fate ended, it cannot be regain.
No matter what changes are done, it'll never be
the same again.
There's no point forcing yourself to the changes
the feelings gone, long gone
what's left is only pure friendship.
The more you come, the more you will push
me away, causing more irritation to me.
Don't waste time on things that will not change anymore
do the changes for yourself,
and not for anyone else.
People like you for who you are, changing
to please them only make yourself look bad.
It could be me too, i might have changed
i may not be the same as before to you.
I see no point to looking back all the time,
it's time to move on.
We're getting old by the day, stopping down
won't help you get back what you've lost.
Maybe it's right that people don't treasure things
around them until it's lost.
Let us just stay this way, as friends
nothing more, nothing less.
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Will not be updating for awhile...
Feeling nothing.
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Thursday, September 18, 2008
AAAHHHH...Wed fav day of all!! Why?? cause there's no sch!!! Woohoo~okay i'll just briefly say what i did today...old already get tired easily. i woke up at 2plus then went to meet mummy at IMM to do some grocery shopping=D but did not manage to get everything i wanted=( Okay then after that went home and out again to play golf...only to realize I FORGOT TO BRING MY GLOVES!! So...i tried playing without gloves and those watery blisters saddd~ Okay tml is Biochem i think die in class time BOOHOOHOO~ BYEEE~
I'll take them away from you.
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Monday, September 15, 2008
Today's chem lesson we made ice all you had to do was pour a carton of milk into a bag and put it into another bag of ices with salt in it. In about 5mins time TADAA!!!here comes your ICE CREAM!=D was lame though
I'm so tired that i did not go work cause got Amanda to take over mon is such a killer day...reached home ate cereal and i knock out already. Doofy tried to wake me up but no avail, so i woke up bout 20mins later. Now i'm watching the ohh soo boring mirrors, oh people you gotta watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall it's worth it=).
Post cereals are AWESOME!!*haha* got berries inside soo yummy and smells great.
Took some polaroids and here they are*whheee*
I can see it in you
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Class today was kinda stressful and yet tiny bit fun enough as Van is there to disturb me to the MAX!!! Whatever i do or say or anything concerns me she'll just shoot me=.= My team had only 2 guys and me damn pathetic man. So, most slide i had to do cause only three person what no choice.
Then my presentation was kinda SUK BIG TIME*haha* the faci totally don't get what i was saying, end up whole class laughing=.= after sch went to Clark Quay with some E56B-ians...ate at Manhattan then off to drink at Clinic(ex sia). I had a feel of sitting on the wheel chair nth cool bout it...shall go to Nectare for delicacies the following weeks.
I'm tired to sleep.
Cause i care.
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wed i have no sch so on Tues nite i went to my cousin's house and stay, as it's my cousin's wedding on Wed. Then, i was asked to take pic for him so i had to be there damn early therefore, i had to stay over. During the stay over we chatted and took pictures many of them are r-tard ones, and it's soo bored that i used msn there. We slept at around morning 3plus and had to wake like 6plus but dragged till 7plus. I was late!!=\ so had to chiong out of the house with the guys to fetch the bride.
The dinner was normal nothing much special so i had no appetite, as it was WAY too BORING. My cousin looked like a kid in his attire*haha* okay i very tiredd from typing so here's pics.
Aunt & Groom(cousin)
The Bros
The Sis
The couple
Bouquet of roses
The cute little flower kids.
.The End.
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Monday, September 8, 2008
Class today was live-able*haha* as my Chem 2 faci is my previous chem faci too~how cool is that total relaxation man!!!=D My team got two very hardworking and other two very noisy and crazy, they made lesson today funny enough for me=) Went to level 5 to disturb people as usual then back to class emo=.= Today, no one to chat online cause someone sick then i got no chatting buddy*hahaha*
After school, i went to work and i prayed that either there will be only slping patients if not the busy till i no time do mixtures. Yeah thanks to my stupid mouth, the clinic is soo filled with patients i busy till want die. Soooo tired already still must work like crazy shit. Oh well...went home got a new movie cool shit man but sorry kids you're too young to watch it=)
Tml have to slp damn early then wake up damn damn early and rush to Ang Mo Kio on Wed morning. Wed is my cousin's wedding day so i'm taking pics hope he pay me cash to take pics by sacrificing my slp lor!!! Kaes i go slp boring and my pp faci suk;|
Kidnap my heart.
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Fri sch was okay had to combine team as some of the people did not come to sch(smart lor), the faci is like pissing me off man.
Guess i'm just unlucky*haha* i replied Ky's msn chat and got caught so BOO~
got said in front of the whole class*grumps* Oh well...not first time msn-ed in front of a faci=D
Thurs after sch people in E56B went off first*haha*
and i was left alone boohoo~ then on fri first break,they come down and OPENED
my class door and shouted my name.
Yes!!!damn pai seh lar!! and i was discussing the worksheet some more=.=
Anyway...thanks you guys^^once is enough already*haha*
After sch i walk back with the people and took a longer way to town to meet Hy, as Ky complain that i won't be able to take train with her.
Bullcrap one lor she...when the other side come chase me away=.= still i took the longer way back to Je and green line to town.
While waiting for Hy to end work i sat at the fountain in Suntec doing my homework through my hp.
Then off to walking around to search for new top and shoes for the upcoming wedding on Wed.
So, i went to Far East's Left Foot and tried on the shoes which i always thought
that it is too big for me since it's size 8!and yess...STUPID
US size 8 damn it not UK!!argh~so the colour that i want DIDN'T HAVE MY SIZE!;(
So, i walked to Paragon, Heeren, and lastly to The Cathay
after walking to so many Adidas and Second Left Foot finally have it but it was in size UK8 so i tried it and okay and IT'S MINE!!!
YAY!!it's mine*wahaha* now i'm short of a top.
Later part of the day J and Hy came to my house to
drink we all had 3 glasses of Smirnoff vodka and sprite
and around 4plus Hy is down*haha* weak lar he. Next, me and J continued
had Chivas lime with sprite then it's already reaching 6 and i'm down
freaking tired man. Before drinking we had Campbell soup with bread*yummy*
Yeah then it was 6plus J went home quietly leaving Hy on my sofa=.=
and i went to bed in my room after don't know more than 6mths of isolating it.
Today woke up at 7plus nite time don't know which son of a b**** kept on calling
my house then don't talk pissed my mum till volcano exploded then i bath my dog and now i'm msn-ing while tv-ing.

on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Thursday, September 4, 2008
AAAHHH!!!! damn it it's SCH time again and what's worst is that i'm in a WHOLE NEW CLASS WITH A WHOLE NEW BUNCH OF FACES;| !#$%^%$#@ i hate it i HATE it!!! thinking of it makes me feel like puking like SERIOUSLY i losing appetite already. Tml i'll just show my usual black face but BLACKER than usual i guess. *sigh*...oh well not first time anyway tml go find ppl and grumble my way. GOD!!!PLEASE BLESS MY CLASS WILL BE SOO FRENLY LIKE PREVIOUSLY THEN I NO NEED TO ACT ACT TO MAKE FRENS=D *amen*
Alrite...stomach's staging it's unhappiness, so off i go as everyone's a sleeeppp~
If only I'm not me...
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sun...woke up in the morning to go work as usual how BORING!!! okay...then after work stayed home watched movies then bout 3plus i went out to meet Hy and Terence. So, when i was bout to reach Clementi i msged hy end up...he's late for an hour lor. Then, blah blah off to Suntec's IT fair to buy my 1tb hard disk. So, walked around and yes reluctantly bought it at a high price=(( 219bucks...ohh well...
After Suntec off to Vivo to buy hy's stuffs along the way at city link got the Nike Human Racers, they are everywhere RED RED ones. Then one very irritating yet funny thing happened. As i was carrying my heavy and big hard disk around to different shops, the alarm rang so at every shops i have to wait to let them check. Till hy and Terence dare not walk near me*hahaha* so stupid lor the only place that did not have the alarm sounded is Cheers=.=
Okay...tired already nite nite readers=)
Stranger, you captivated my eyes:|
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine