Monday, March 30, 2009
Still remember the dream, vividly playing over and over
again in my head unwillingly.
The pain's real and etched deep down.
If only i could forget it, or i should just let go and move on.
Crawling back to the old self that i had abandon,
for the better. Exhaustion's the only way,
for me to stop the thoughts. Hide behind the
facade happiness, perhaps the best way now.
I see it coming already.
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Alrite so practically the pics sums it all up on what happened on 26th March. I was lucky enough to not get thrown into the pool, but had dripping wet girls(only ones that went in the pool) either sit on me or hug me =.= THKS PPL for making me SO DRY!! All the guys managed to escape from being kicked/pushed into the pool =\
Ignorance is indeed a bliss.
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Responsibilities come to you as you grow older by the day.
Be it for the family or the things around you.
They'll come when you least expected it to,
and all at once.
I don't like them, i'm irresponsible type...
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sooo...tired~ did the stupid report till 9am and my words hanged on me. Stoned at it for 15 minutes in despair and caused my big hard drive to crash to the floor =.= Had no choice but to give it a go and plug out my batt and AC, in hope that words will auto EVBRY bit of what i did. On my laptop and TADAA~ found it!!!! almost kill my dad for nagging at me due to the HD ;| annoyance.
Okayy on a happier note, cousin-in-law is PREGNANT!!! LOL~ now it's revenge time on my cousin for bullying all the kids. His daughter shall pay for what the daddy does*hehe* Mum was kinda jealous as my sis(loser) till now has no news? *haha...hint for sis* Oh...well~ my head is mal functioning byeee~
Somewhere i long to be...
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Your irresponsible actions disgust me.
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A little alcohol and i see my blueberry morning=)
i see you, blueberry morning.
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Went IT fair twice...yeah loser*haha* first time was with L and M, didn't expect to see anything i would feel like buying so brought little cash. L was late for once!! so...M and i loitered around till L arrived. We went straight to Samsung booth to check out the camera L is interested in, the crowd was as usual A LOT, although it's a weekday. While L was deciding which model to buy, i went to Sigma? some camera brand to see the prices of the lens. So, i asked one of the sales men how much it'll cost he said 1...0...8(i thought waa!!so CHEAP!!) then came a 9=.= So the lens cost $1089 awesome man just walked off*haha*. After L bought her camera, we went to walk around to look for mouse, earpiece and speakers. I didn't buy anything on the day so decided to go the next day. It's kinda surprising to see that Creative backed out this year =(
Fri's IT fair was the worst!!! ppl practically just go there to squeeze and be with the crowd=.= !@#$%^ i bathed already nice smell go there then got bunch of smelly and sticky ass...So, got pissed off just walk to microsoft grab a mouse pay then head of to senheisser did the same and out of the freaking shit hole. Sat at the fountain to msn awhile, while waiting to the slow HY to come that took him so long due to traffic jam! ;| Then when he arrived off to Cafe Cartel to eat...fries, chicken wings, mango cake, strawberry ice cream=.= can dieee~ Chatted a little bout his loser bunk mates*haha* then head home.
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Friday, March 13, 2009
Things to buy, money to save! :D
1. Speakers
2. Watch
3. Lens
4. Clothes
5. Ear piece
6. Laptop
7. Dog (maybe a new doggie?)
8. Mouse
9. Change of specs lens
10. Shoes (if there's any)
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Monday, March 9, 2009
Okay the following is a series of MARBEL'S unfortunate events for 9.3.09...
Reached Vivo at 2plus and M, L, C and me went into N.U.M to look for my shirt. So the first unfortunate event started...M and C were whacking each other around at the havaianas area. They were whacking with their hands and also throwing a volley beach ball. Ended up, M got hit on the face i think*hahaha*.
Then we walked around to look at cameras and BS's birthday present. On our way to some shops, i threw the ball at M and it hit her shoulder where it's supposed to be her HEAD!!!=.= (as usual C and M were still whacking each other no matter where they go). So, we went to Giant to see ball for C, then it's at there that the funniest thing happened. Vivo's Giant have these few water dispenser for shoppers to drink. So, as the dumb M walked towards it wanting to have a sip of water...she didn't realize that the water tank is not there(store water). Although there were no cups, M pressed the dispenser in hope that water might trickle down...but C and i were laughing mad as THERE'S NO WATER IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!*hahaha* After some time, it was L's turn to be the idiot and tried to drink water from the dispenser. This time hers got cups but still no water tank!!! Same as the r-tarded M she too pressed thinking that water will come that moment C and me were laughing insanely!!(no wonder M and L are frens XD)
We had our dinner at BK and talked a little with some funny shit...especially those said by M*awesome stories* So, we went to Toys R Us to waste time and it's M's phobia to enter due to previous incident. After walking for some time, M started the war by throwing a ball at er...C yarh. *HAHAHA* then we played along the way till the baby section. M saw this hammer toys and took it to attack L and C, so they fought for some time when...M got KICKED by L at the AH HEM. *BAHAHAHA!!!* It was f***ing hilarious...we all except M(groaning in pain) were laughing non-stop till our jaws and stomach ached. Then some of her actions made us laughed again when we're finally able to stop...So, the war continues when M threw another ball at C and we were chasing M when she was running from us. In the end she got whacked by C with a styrofoam(whatever you spell it) thing. There're some caucasian kids looking at us in fear*hohoho*
Lastly, we went to Diaso and at there we took some toys and play as usual M was being attacked*haha* this time from the back by L. Practically, today was attacking M's day but along the way we all had our fun, laughters that comes with tears as it was too much. now tired shit.
That's a secret=)
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine
Sunday, March 8, 2009
If things wouldn't turn awkward after telling you the truth,
i would have done so. Fact is, you might have known
the truth, just simply pretending not to.
For now, i think staying this way is good enough.
Enjoying every moment with you.
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine