Alone, watching the sunset.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

25th March HAPPY GRANNY DAY!! =D
Left: M, J, L, C
Four buddies and er...extra?*hee*
L and C
When pushing ppl into the pool is the main objective of the nite =\
The dorky birthday hats we have to put on~
Result of being bored...
Oh oh!! Here comes the kidnappers and 'kids'??*haha*
Alrite so practically the pics sums it all up on what happened on 26th March. I was lucky enough to not get thrown into the pool, but had dripping wet girls(only ones that went in the pool) either sit on me or hug me =.= THKS PPL for making me SO DRY!! All the guys managed to escape from being kicked/pushed into the pool =\
Ignorance is indeed a bliss.

A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine