AAAHHH!!!I DON'T WANT GO SCH CAN CAN CAN!!!!!!!argh~today's class was a total boredom man totally is go there just for the sake of going cause the problem for today is damn easy so end up everyone nothing to do=.=play psp ones playing, gaming on laptop ones gaming, watch movies ones were watching happily yet feeling damn bored at the same time. OH!!i brought this sweet that is like noodles?and my classmates were mostly eating eat and Ili made a frenship band out of it~.~.Saw PIG and her fren(brenda) in the morning with the train that was packed and stucked which made me feel so irritated~.~
ohh...yesterday was Ili(mahihi)'s 20th birthday hahax!!poor thing no longer a teen now she's same as Dinu already can become real BFF*hahax*. Went for lunch and chin reminded me of claire's incident at the pasar malam so i teased claire went i saw her and on msn too lolx~anyway i thought that by saying out what i thought she would mind but end up she telling me it herself=.=*claps* CLAIRE YOU LIVE UP TO YOUR BIMBOTIC JIMBO NAME!!XD
ARGH~stupid dad irritating me again with his stupid printer must be wanting to print that stupid BITCH's pictures~*YUCKS* wait wait here's the difference to what i usually say, byatch is a frenly term i would use on my frenx but BITCH is like i meant it you know?;)okay whatever...i'm scanning com for virus since mahihi said i have=(off to watch tv and movies later yawns...gastric go away pls pls pls~=s
Call me irresponsible, cause i fell for you...