Woke up at 12.30*yawns* then went to bathe and online for a bit. Received Fahr's msg at 1plus so got prepared and left home to meet her to my workplace Medicus Clinic and Surgery=s we got there early so not opened yet nvm...but it's passed 2.30pm still not open man they're late!!!
Yeah well this is it!!!weird looking ritex?hahax...but the people there are REALLY nice=)okay so went off home to eat a little as jj was rushing me out of house to meet him while i ignored my mum and got said by her*whatever larx* so jj and me alighted at Raffles as he's at the back of the train while i'm at the front*hahax*ohh...here's a preview of his new reborned hair~*touch touch*
Hahax...act shy larx he*lolx* so off we went to buy someone's present AAHHH!!!SHITTT!!i forgot to take a picture of it DAMN!!=.=nvm...i wanted to confirm the promo date ends at when for my cam so i can hurry hurry save $$ for it. OHH!!and i saw WHITE LACOSTE SLIP ON!!FOR $99!!yay!!!i'm soo gonna buy it if it matches my jeans...so walked to Best Denki, Stadium and i can't remember already...yapps went to Cine to eat dinner?i ate chicken cutlet rice and guess who i saw??*hehex*my eye candy=D fated larx bo bian~okay so here is my food and us.

Hmmm...work at clinic was bit scary but yet fun?today i was counted as LUCKY!!by aunt Jenny cause got a patient want to test for urine!!*eewww*yapps...then there's RBC for checking kidneys WBC, PBC??for protein like maybe too much protein in you like that. Tml i have to work cause Algie asked me to accompany her while she teach me larx which i'm okay since she knows there very well already~okay off i go to bore myself and cook instant?
Shall i let this end?Will something better comes by?