Alone, watching the sunset.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 again fine! have to update so that someone can read something=.= been doing my pp obediently yet lazily in the wee hours usually and good enough it's working on me by doing my report at 2plus in the morning. This is the only time where there are no distractions for me and i'm more focus too =D.

So...yesterday morning which was Tues's morning i watched a very very boring soccer match after so long you know.'s my erm...favourite i guess??Man United more Beckham bit no point watching. Oh well...still got Ronaldo=) too bad yesterday he did not play as he's injured and Ryan Giggs too...don't know he die go where=.= yeah so the game started at 3am was watching it while chatting on msn with monster*haha* stupid Hanny got tv to see, we only got internet ones;| the rookies played like shit as in seriously shit!! One big problem is the opposition side no people there so idiots kicked the ball there but wow!!no one there to receieve!=.= Tell me how to score!!i watch also piss man...then all get ball pass to Lorney(Rooney) then he like one man show bo bian must kick to score. Poor man no one to help...Alex siao already.

Then...when we're all so bored of the game and the ball is reaching opposition side smart man the internet tv black screen!! I'm like WA LAO!!!climax then like that so faster on my tv watch the pathetic mini screen and saw the GOAL!!!yeah...bit turned off. Oh money people are like that end up game ended at 5am and the score freaking 1-0 yes!!Man U 1 and Portsmouth one big egg~.~ total boredom game.

Alright i shall go back to PP-ing yawns...yay!!!fri steamboat and bbq!!WWWHHHEEE~ long enough already not?=D

A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine