Fri sch was okay had to combine team as some of the people did not come to sch(smart lor), the faci is like pissing me off man.
Guess i'm just unlucky*haha* i replied Ky's msn chat and got caught so BOO~
got said in front of the whole class*grumps* Oh well...not first time msn-ed in front of a faci=D
Thurs after sch people in E56B went off first*haha*
and i was left alone boohoo~ then on fri first break,they come down and OPENED
my class door and shouted my name.
Yes!!!damn pai seh lar!! and i was discussing the worksheet some more=.=
Anyway...thanks you guys^^once is enough already*haha*
After sch i walk back with the people and took a longer way to town to meet Hy, as Ky complain that i won't be able to take train with her.
Bullcrap one lor she...when the other side come chase me away=.= still i took the longer way back to Je and green line to town.
While waiting for Hy to end work i sat at the fountain in Suntec doing my homework through my hp.
Then off to walking around to search for new top and shoes for the upcoming wedding on Wed.
So, i went to Far East's Left Foot and tried on the shoes which i always thought
that it is too big for me since it's size 8!and yess...STUPID
US size 8 damn it not UK!!argh~so the colour that i want DIDN'T HAVE MY SIZE!;(
So, i walked to Paragon, Heeren, and lastly to The Cathay
after walking to so many Adidas and Second Left Foot finally have it but it was in size UK8 so i tried it and okay and IT'S MINE!!!
YAY!!it's mine*wahaha* now i'm short of a top.
Later part of the day J and Hy came to my house to
drink we all had 3 glasses of Smirnoff vodka and sprite
and around 4plus Hy is down*haha* weak lar he. Next, me and J continued
had Chivas lime with sprite then it's already reaching 6 and i'm down
freaking tired man. Before drinking we had Campbell soup with bread*yummy*
Yeah then it was 6plus J went home quietly leaving Hy on my sofa=.=
and i went to bed in my room after don't know more than 6mths of isolating it.
Today woke up at 7plus nite time don't know which son of a b**** kept on calling
my house then don't talk pissed my mum till volcano exploded then i bath my dog and now i'm msn-ing while tv-ing.
