Alone, watching the sunset.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pool time~
Blow cake(made by his mum) time!!
Naming of our cups.
The reckless driver and cook of the night~
Mich tried to jump shot*hahahaha*
Joy of the nightt =)
Everyone smiled except you HANNY!!=.=
It's supposed to look erotic but...oh well^^
LOL...scare fall down!
Leotard's block.
Ai sehhh...
*HAHA* Mich cannot go up!!
Skate away and hit my leg;|
Rach, Mich & Stacy =D
How gay can you get Hanny=.=
View from Leotard's house*wow*
The birthday boy.
Messy hair in Ben's car=.=
Pictures of Leotard's birthday.

A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine