Okayyy...firstly thanks to those who wished me on my birthday and the presents too much appreciated=) Sch has started already kinda boring, busy, rush and i don't know what...no time for like eating if not no time for research-.-*pfft* Been late for sch everyday for 15mins no matter how early i get up or leave house still late...oh well just try my best not to be late again lor=)
Today went to meet K, H, S, R, A and S at town to surprise A's 20th birthday...can't really say the surprise is successful but A was touched and cried*aaawwww~* HAHA...yapps then went to HOPE church there to eat and drink, then we saw Patricia Mok(mediacorp artist) after that we went to walk around then some left. We also saw Pan Ling Ling(mediacorp artist too) at Far East...seems like today is their day off to go shopping.
Alrite lazyy to continue so byeeeee;)
My secret valentine...