YAY!!!HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR PPL!!!=D it's once again a time for us to collect red packets from relatives and happy me i finally got my CAM!!!WWHHHEEEE~well...i took many many pictures with it damn!!!it's AWWWWEEESSOOMMEEE!!!*hehex* okay so on wed nitex was reunion dinner at my house same same thing bbq+steamboat yo awesoommeee stuffs of course needless to say!!!there's delicious ingredients for me=)salmon man many or shall i say BIG piece?=DD yeah LEE family came my house this time for reunion they're my relatives. Yeah and every year without fail TOH family would drop by after their father's side reunion dinner. WHY??reason being is THE FOOD WAS INSUFFICIENT FOR THEM CAN!!yeah...sis and bro-in-law came too, i will upload all the families maybe some other time!!so here are MANY pictures out of MANY MANY pictures lolx~
Now for thurs...today everyone is coming over to my place for first day of cny yapps there were sushi, bee hoon, fried udon, fried rice, nuggets and seaweed chicken!!lastly is salmon~yeah so about evening people started streaming in already and by nitex my house was packed with people!!!*hehex*so...as i was bored i snapped many pictures randomly. Yeah enjoy the many pics below!!!

These are the natural joy and laughters with no preservatives or additional ingredients!!