Alone, watching the sunset.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

AAAHHHH...Wed fav day of all!! Why?? cause there's no sch!!! Woohoo~okay i'll just briefly say what i did today...old already get tired easily. i woke up at 2plus then went to meet mummy at IMM to do some grocery shopping=D but did not manage to get everything i wanted=( Okay then after that went home and out again to play golf...only to realize I FORGOT TO BRING MY GLOVES!! So...i tried playing without gloves and those watery blisters saddd~ Okay tml is Biochem i think die in class time BOOHOOHOO~ BYEEE~
I'll take them away from you.

A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine