Alone, watching the sunset.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yeah that's the only word that can describe
how i feel. Not feeling here nor there,
don't know what i'm doing.

Life seems a total lost, just following
normal routine to let the day pass.
Take a step back, realizing actually i don't really
have a very close friend. Not close enough
to the extend where we share almost everything.

Sometimes, watching other's family so close,
really makes me envy them. When was the last
time we all sat and eat...i'm not really sure.
Being able to have things i want, may
seems like a damn good life huh?

I like wondering around the streets or just
chilling at some corner. The feeling of having people
around you, to let you know you're not alone.
Set your sight further and you'll see how beautiful
your world could be. Happiness won't come knockingĀ 
your door, you've got to earn it.

A person often meets his destiny
on the road he took to avoid it. -Jean de La Fontaine