22nd December!! Time for the usual US to gather for 'exchange gifts' yes...for x'mas. So, we meet at Miss Clarity Cafe at Bugis there but not EXACTLY there need to walk some distance. Everyone was in a jolly mood, all can't wait to exchange their gifts and see the expressions on each other faces. The funniest is ZH*haha* cause i told him it's okay to wrap in newspaper, then when the rest saw it they all laughed at him=D. Everyone bought presents for everybody and some were HUGE that my pathetic bag cannot fit in=.= Okay here are the pichaas~
Our table no.
Black pepper chicken(boneless)
Er...this i don't know
Fish something=)This waiter BEST so bluR still dare take=.=
The girls but without Adele(camera girl)
Under the massive tree
MY PRESENTS!!!oh!!! and one maggie mee.