Supposed to meet Alvisa and ZK at 10.30am but as usual, i'm lateeee craziness so early=.= So, we went off to buy fishing rods and stuffs at Beach Road walked a big round to find the place. Then, both of them bought a rod each and we're off eating and buying unnecessary things. E.g Each a knife, two towels. We then trained to Bedok and off to Sheng Shiong to buy our bait which is the horrible smelling SOTONG!!!
Finally, we cabbed to ECP and walked all the way to the jetty from Mc there :D I helped both of them to tie the hooks all those and teach them how to cast. Then, had some funny incidents like Alvisa's bottom half of his string whereby all the hooks and weights are broke off and gone!! The weights too heavy for his string no choice. Then, ZK lost a float by letting the wind blew it down the sea=.= Now, both of them dying to go fish again already planning on what new bait to use blah blah~ Total today we had 2 sugar cane and ZK still said let's go drink sugar cane again like for third time. Had a tiring and fun day now i'm off to snoozing. Tml not going to movie with Ky they all need save money and more slp~